FH Upper Austria

Supply Chain Management

  • MA
  • German
  • 4 Semester
  • Steyr Campus
  • 60 Places
Application period

The internationalization of society and the economy requires the formation of stronger and stronger networks. This presents the challenge of designing these networks in the form of enterprise networks. Supply chain management, the collaboration of partners along the value chain, requires managerial staff to work on an interdepartmental and intercompany level. Austria’s first Master’s degree programme in Supply Chain Management (SCM) trains you to do this. You acquire the ability to find and develop new creative solutions in a leadership position. This degree programme thereby equips you to implement new solutions sustainably. Individual elective modules enable you to adjust the content of your studies to match your interests.

From a strategy to its implementation the degree programme focuses on core areas on four continuous tracks: Professional SCM expertise, Transfer competence, Leadership and corporate finance, International management. The study programme is characterized by an innovative approach to knowledge transfer via a combination of American (MBA case studies) and European oriented teaching sessions.

Entry requirements

Compl.Bachelor’s degree with 30 ECTS-credits of economics related content and 10 ECTS-credits of IT related content


Application mode:

Application time:

Appointment for the admissions process:
after the closing dates for applications

Admission procedure:
interview and case study

Start of studies:
winter semester

Study information days:

Tuition fee:
For students from EU and EEA countries: EUR 363.36 per semester + ÖH (Austrian Student Union) contribution  For students from non-member states: EUR 726.72 per semester + ÖH (Austrian Student Union) contribution. Merit-based scholarships are available.

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