Upper Austria

FH Upper Austria

Reach higher.

Anyone who studies at Austria’s largest and, in terms of research, strongest university of applied sciences has no need to worry about his or her future. The FH Upper Austria’s schools in Hagenberg, Linz, Steyr and Wels offer 60 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes to choose from. With practice-oriented contents and job prospects that are more than promising, the FH Upper Austria is internationally orientated to enable its graduates to meet global challenges. The FH Upper Austria in figures:

  • 4 schools

  • 60 degree programmes (29 Bachelor’s degree programmes – 31 Master’s degree programmes) thereof 10 are taught entirely in English plus more than 300 modules taught in English

  • 340 research projects currently in progress

The FH Upper Austria cooperates intensively with companies and institutions thus winning the support of leading experts for teaching and for practice-oriented student projects. CEOs, executive board members, entrepreneurs and established researchers with many years of practical experience in innovative and successful businesses in relevant professional fields give students insights into different sectors, leadership issues and challenges of today and tomorrow.


Class Rather than Mass – Optimum Support for Students 

Students at the FH Upper Austria receive the best-possible support from a modern infrastructure, personal attention and competent staff. The FH Upper Austria particularly fosters the founding of companies by its alumni; a service centre provides them with advice and practical support. Thus several successful entrepreneurial careers have begun at the FH Upper Austria from where internationally successful start-ups like Runtastic have sprung.

Study Where New Knowledge is Generated

The FH Upper Austria generates one third of the total research output of Austria’s universities of applied sciences. With a turnover of around 14 million euros, the FH Upper Austria is top ranked in the whole German speaking area. Students experience applied research quite directly: the latest research findings flow quickly into teaching. Some Bachelor’s and many Master’s degree students actively participate in research projects and profit from the FH Upper Austria’s large network of partners. Current research topics often also provide practice-relevant tasks for final assignments.

Link to FH-Website: http://www.fh-ooe.at/en