FHWien der WKW

MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing

  • MA (CE)
  • Extra occupational
  • German
  • 4 semesters
  • Vienna
  • 20 - 30 places

The MA (CE)  Digital Communication and Marketing seizes on the need for qualified IT communication experts and offers its graduates a career in the highly promising field of digital marketing.

Marketing departments from all sectors are in search of well-qualified employees in the area of digital marketing. They are looking for candidates with a combination of skills in communication, marketing and sales as well as IT skills.

Unique combination of IT and Digital Marketing

Classic marketing degrees traditionally focus on business knowledge and degrees in IT tend to focus on technical skills. The increase of digitalization has led to a disparity on the labor market: Companies are having problems finding well educated employees in the “interdisciplinary” field of digital marketing. The MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing: Graduates from degree programs with a focus on business administration or communication that did not have a focus on IT, as well as people with sound work experience in business administration can use this degree program to expand their career options to a digital area. Business administration skills are a prerequisite for the degree program, IT skills will be taught throughout the program and linked with contents from communication, marketing and sales.

Optimal compatibility with career

Students of the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing at FHWien der WKW will be able to continue working during their studies. Learning is flexible both in respect to time and place, in particular because of the high amount of distance learning with marketing relevant IT contents in the first year. Our teachers work with approved and well structured IT learning material suitable for use at home, which is provided by our cooperation partner. In the second year of the degree program, practically relevant modules about digital marketing are held at FHWien der WKW and are blocked together. The application-oriented Master’s thesis in the second academic year promotes the blending of professional questions with scientific evaluations. The degree program is completed after four semesters with an oral Master’s examination and the receipt of the academic title “Master of Arts (Continuing Education)”.

Entry requirements

- completion of a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree with at least 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution
- at least two years of relevant professional experience


Application mode:

Appointment for the admissions process:

Admission procedure:
sending application documents, personal interview, university places awarded

Start of studies:

Study information days:
Dates on the website: https://www.fh-wien.ac.at/en/?cat=34&post_type=event#start

Tuition fee:
€ 13,900 for the whole degree program

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  • Master degree programme
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  • Course
  • Extra occupational